Rent Collection

Optimize rent collections with revenue automation

Reduce delinquency with interactive rent reminders and late payment management.

Blox monitors payment activity to trigger automations that improve rent collections

Proactive reminders

Send reminders as rent approaches to stay top of mind and reinforce positive behavior.

Interactive nurturing

Enable interactive communication by SMS to assist late rent payers with questions and policies.

Late rent management

Offer promise to pay automation to track late payers and avoid unnecessary eviction admin work.

Reduce delinquency while eliminating repetitive transactional tasks

Predictive communication based on payment behavior

Blox sends residents SMS reminders based on revenue triggers including auto-pay and past late payment frequency.

Predictive communication based on payment behavior

Resolve frequently asked questions for late rent payers

Enable interactive SMS communication to assist residents with questions around grace periods, late fees, and rent policies.

Resolve frequently asked questions for late rent payers

Enable late rent payment tracking and management tools

Get payment commitments with promise to pay automation. Structure installment plans and easily track performance.

Enable late rent payment tracking and management tools